Did you know that the
term is a work of contemporary art that followed the development of the era,
but there are also interpreted as modern?
Actually, there is a clear distinction
between modern contemporary with it if it
is closely related to sophisticated modern impression
is usually coupled with today's technology.
The contemporary era is
the appropriate work or time. When we
talk about this period in 2016 was able
to work that is a trend that has a traditional or classic concept. So that's the fundamental difference between modern and
contemporary. However, if you associate
with modern contemporary are the same, then it's okay because everyone's opinion will be different.
Then the mean by a contemporary interior design that is like what? The answer is an interior design that
follows its development at the time. It could be time to make a growing interior design be
different, and in 2016 for contemporary interior design is a modern interior
design, but in it, there are still traditional elements.
Some examples in the figure are a contemporary interior design in 2016 became the trend, so that you
can seek inspiration from here. Bear in mind that contemporary art at this time in the field of the interior had to be excellent in it, which means that contemporary design is already
there who love themselves.
Perhaps there are some readers who like the contemporary interior design, but it could be
there as well among readers who prefer a
modern interior design or even
traditional. The question is which of these you choose interior design contemporary or traditional interior design.
Actually not be a problem when we want to build or decorate a room that is in our homes and try to apply
traditional or contemporary designs, but
should you really notice the harmony between the interior furniture interior decoration. These are two very important things,
and you can not think of light as it
requires in-depth analysis.
Therefore do not be surprised if when you came to a house or
building whether it is office or apartment and got into it, the first impression you get
are tacky or may not be interesting. Because
it is not easy to combine with the interior
decor interior furniture, you need a
designer who is an expert in this field.
Hopefully, this article can give
you an understanding of the meaning of
contemporary interior design and can apply it at home
or where you live. That's for those of you who do like the concept of
the contemporary, while for those of you who do not like this article hopefully
can be a treasure of knowledge you are
getting wider and deeper.
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